I import wool bunting from Great Britain, my wool bunting is $58 a yard, and can be procured by contacting me at flags(at)classicattire(dot)com

SAMPLE of wool bunting --- $1.00
Our colors are: cream white, cherry red, navy blue, and black.
Ships anywhere in the U.S.A for $0.50
If you want a sample of wool bunting, please contact me at miriam(at)classicattire(dot)com
Because I have a select market I cannot accept returns, so I suggest purchasing a sample before ordering any bunting.
Wool Bunting
by Miriam Sullivan for Classic Attire
Wool bunting is a lightweight wool fabric that was extensively used in American flags until the mid 20th century.
Woven in a plain weave with worsted wool it was inexpensive, sturdy, and water resistant; many historical flags made in wool bunting still exist in excellent shape today.
During the American Civil War (1861-1865) wool bunting was imported from Great Britain by both Union and Confederate forces, and was a common choice for flags on both sides. This was especially true of the C.S.A., which was driven by the expense and scarcity of silk into switching to wool bunting for their combat unit flags in 1862.
Wool bunting was outmoded during the 20th century by Nylon, which is almost indestructible and incredibly cheap. It is now extremely difficult to locate, and relativity unheard of.
If you would like to read more about wool bunting you can visit www.rareflags.com, a site devoted to American flags and run by Anthony Iasso, a dedicated flag expert.
You can find more about Confederate flags by going to www.confederate-flags.org, Confederate Flags is run by over 20 flag historians who specialize in rebel flags.